

Menu Style

Bar ...

Bar ...

Dinning Room...

Dinning Room...

Deluxe Room...

Deluxe Room...

Guest Hall...

Guest Hall...




1. The Club means “EMERALD GARDEN CLUB LTD.”.

2. The Member means the member of EMERALD GARDEN CLUB LTD.

3. The Managing Committee means the managing committee of EMERALD GARDEN CLUB LTD.

4. The Secretary means The Honorary Secretary of EMERALD GARDEN CLUB LTD.


5. The membership shall be 1000 numbers excluding Quasi Permanent members. The increased from 750 to 1000 shall be utilised by the Managing committee subject to a ceiling of 5% of the total members. Out of the Annual vacancies 50% members shall be selected only out of the children of members of the club which shall be restricted to one dependent per member. Unfilled vacancies shall be carried over to next year, the selection of children of members shall be strictly in accordance with seniority of members, and however, priority shall be given to children of deceased member in the year of death of member upon his eligibility as per clause 22A of rules. The application fee fort dependents shall be charged only once.

6. The balance 50% vacancies shall be filled as under in the ratio of 3:2 :

I. 30% Life members.

II. 20% permanent membership to Govt./Semi Govt. servants of class 1st category and above or sportsman of national level or professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accounts, Advocates, Company Secretaries, Cost Accountant, MBA’s and Senior Executives of a listed companies.

    i. No new member can be inducted by the managing committee, under any exception, if he or she is direct relative of the existing managing committee member or any office bearer except under dependent category on eligibility. Membership granted against these provisions will be void and invalid & the secretary shall not issue any liter to any person in the above category of the applicant, informing him/ her of acceptance of application for membership, notwithstanding any such decision of managing committee\. Direct relative will mean to include spouse of a member of “Managing Committee or office bearer, off springs, any parent, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, father-in-law or mother-in-law or sister-ion-law or brother-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-laws and a column should be added inn the application form regarding relationship if any, to member of a managing committee or to any officer bearer, of the applicant. This information should also be given by the secretary when he circulates the list with bio-data of applicant for membership.”

    ii. No new member can be inducted by the managing committee, under any exception, if he or she is a direct relative of any member of the existing Managing committee member or any office bearer. Membership granted against these provision will void and invalid & the secretary shall n

    iii. The admission of new member shall be decided by 3/4Th majority of the total number of member present in the meeting of managing committee,

    iv. The spouse of a deceased member shall be allowed to avail facilities of the club like a member of the club but he/she will not be a member and shall not be entitled to visit affiliated clubs, shall not have a right to vote and contest election and no credit facility be available to her/him.

7. The club have following categories of membership:-

I. Patron member

II. Honorary member

III. Life member

IV. Permanent member

V. Temporary member

VI. Absentee members

VII. Corporate members

VIII. Quasi Permanent member (Ceiling on Quasi permanent membership shall be 2% of the total members on the date of selection as Quasi permanent member and Quasi permanent member shall have no voting power in future )

8. The patron member shall be those persons who shall be decide in the meeting of general body form time to time. The patron members shall be entitled to use the facilities of club but shall not be required to pay either the admission fee or membership fee.

9. The honorary members shall be those persons who are members of the club for a continues period of not less then 25 years. As soon as any member completes 25 years, the managing committee shall intimate the member concerned of his becoming honorary member. The honorary member shall not be required to make payment of monthly subscription from the month following the month on which he becomes honorary member.

10. The life members shall be those persons who pay the prescribed admission fee.

11. The life members shall be those persons who pay the prescribed admission fee and monthly subscription.

12. Rule:-

I. The temporary member shall be that person, who’s Application for membership of the club is under consideration before the managing committee to use the club facilities. No person shall continue as temporary member for a period exceeding 3 months.

II. The number of temporary member should not exceed 1.5 times the total new members to be taken.

13. The absentee member shall be those persons who are member of the club and have gone out of Jaipur but decide to continue as member of the club. Such member shall pay the prescribed monthly subscription and shall entitle to visit club for not more then 2 times in a month.

14. The institution or unit member shall be those institutions who apply for such membership and agree to pay the prescribed admission fee. Such institution shall entitled to nominate such number of it’s first class officers as prescribed for using the club facilities who shall the prescribed monthly subscription. Such institution shall be entitled for one vote at the General Meeting and for the purpose shall nominate only one person. “Unit/Company membership shall remain open throughout the year.”

15. The Quasi Permanent members shall be those persons who do not expect to stay in Jaipur for a period of not more then 3 years at a stretch and pay the prescribed admission fee and monthly subscription. If a Quasi Permanent member stays in for more then 3 years, he will have to seek election for permanent membership. “The Quasi Permanent members shall be those who are working in Govt./semi-Govt./Autonomous Corporation and not less then the position of class 1 Officers and Senior Executives of the corporate bodies.”

Membership Fees & Other Fees

16. Every member other then patron members shall be required to pay membership fees & other charges as decided by Managing Committee from time to time by way of annual development charges every year but not exceeding Rs. 250/-

17. The patron members shall not to pay any admission fee or monthly subscription.

18. The membership fees and monthly subscription for different categories of members shall be such sum as may be decided by Managing Committeefrom time to time but in no case shall exceed the sum of mentioned against each category hereunder:

The Managing Committee be authorised to fix amount of building development Fund to be collected by the assistance of new life, corporate members which should not be less then Rs. 1,00,000/- per member. No building development fund will be collected from the dependents members.


Life Membership


General Category

Entrance Fees/ Deposit

Rs. 10,00,000/- + 10.30% ST



Honorary Membership


For 2 years

Entrance Fee


Monthly Subscription


Use of Facilities

Payable at usual club charges

Permanent Members


General Category

Entrance Fees/ Deposit

Rs. 3,50,000/- + 10.30% ST


Rs. 500/- p.m. + 10.30% ST

Corporate Members


Max. 6 Nominees Duration 15 years

Entrance Fees/ Deposit

Rs. 10,00,000/- (up to 4 Nominees) + 10.30% ST
Rs. 1,50,000/- (Per each additional) + 10.30% ST


Rs. 6,000/- p.a. (Per nominee) + 10.30% ST

Quasi Membership


Duration initial for 2 years & extendable till he posted in Jaipur

Entrance Fees/ Deposit

Rs. 35,000/- (refundable with out interest)


Rs. 2500/- (per month or past of month)+10.3% S.Tax

Temporary Membership


Duration two month (Extension of 4 months at the discretion of committee) incl. Sports and Health club facilities


Rs. 500/- (per month) + 10.30% S.Tax



ARTICLE 14A.1 In this Article, "Corporate" means any corporation, partnership or other recognized business or society, which carries on its business or activities primarily within the Jaipur District.

ARTICLE 14A.2 A firm may, with the approval of the Committee, apply to have one or more of its officers, directors, partners, or employees, all become Corporate members of the Club.

ARTICLE 14A.3. Any such officer, director, partner or employee, may be a candidate for membership, pursuant to Article 10 of these bylaws and, if elected, shall become a Corporate member of the Club, subject to all the bylaws relating to Permanent members.

ARTICLE 14A.4 Any Corporate member who ceases to be an officer, director, partner, or employee of a company, shall cease to be a Corporate member, but may, upon application to the Committee, apply to become a Permanent member without further balloting or election and upon paying such initiation fee as the Committee may determine.

ARTICLE 14A.5 .Any Firm may, upon payment of a transfer fee prescribed by the Committee, apply to replace a Corporate member who ceases to be a Company member with another officer, director, partner or employee of the company.

19. The fees for all other games indoor and outdoor and use of the swimming pool shall be charged in addition to monthly subscription from the members playing the games and using the swimming pool. The charges for such games and swimming pool shall be such as may be determined by Managing Committee.

20. Rules :

I. The application shall be given to club office in prescribed form duly signed by two existing members who are members of the club for a period of not less then 2 years; along with requisite fee.

II. The application so received shall be put before the Managing Committee in its next meeting for consideration. The decision of Managing Committee shall be final and binding it will not be necessary for the Managing Committee to assign any reason for rejection of any application for membership.

III. The decision of Managing Committee regarding acceptance or rejection of any application for membership shall be intimated to person concerned by Honorary. Secretary.

IV. The person whose application for membership is rejected by Managing Committee shall not be entitled to enter the club premises, even as a guest of other member for a period of one year. The fees deposited by such person along with the application shall be refunded immediately after deducting club dues, if any.

21. Applicable to life members only:-

I. Application for membership shall be received for considering up to but not later than forty fifth day after the last AGM.

II. There will be a lag of at 45 days and not more then three months between the issuance of temporary membership and the convening of the Managing Committee for final approval of membership. The detail of the application received shall be circulated amongst the members within 10 days. However the Temporary members will be entitled for to come and avail club facilities and meet members during the pendency of their application for membership.

22. The decision for Managing Committee regarding acceptance or rejection of any application for membership shall intimate to person concerned by the Honorary Secretary.

23. The person whose application for membership is rejected by the Managing Committee shall not be entitled to enter the club premises, even as a guest of other member for a period of one year. The fees deposited by such person along with the application shall be refunded immediately after deducting club dues, if any.

Cessation of membership

24. A member shall cease to be member of the club if he signifies his intention in writing to the Honorary Secretary. However he shall be liable to pay the monthly subscription for that month in which he has signified his intention to resign from club membership.

25. The membership of a member whose bills are in arrears for two consecutive months or the total amounts of arrears exceeds Rs.10000/- whichever is higher, shall be liable to be terminated. For termination of membership the following procedure shall be followed:-

i. The member whose bills are in arrears shall be given a notice in writing by the honorary Secretary to pay the dues within 15 days from the date of notice.

ii. Even after the member fails to make payment of all his dues within the time given, the honorary Secretary shall give a final notice to the member by registered post to pay the dues within a period of 15 days from the date of notice.

iii. Even after the expiry of 15 days from the service of final notice, the member fails to pay the dues; the matter for termination of membership shall be put before the Managing Committee for consideration.

iv. The membership of a member shall be terminated if decision to this effect is taken by the Managing Committee by the ¾ majority of the total number of members of the committee. The decision so taken shall be final and binding.

v. The honorary Secretary shall intimate about the decision of the Managing Committee to the member concerned in writing.

vi. However the member will be entitled to apply afresh after making payment of all his dues.

25 A. i. That the total period of corporate membership will be 15 years and as on the date of completion of 15 years from . the date of awarding membership the membership will be ceased.

ii. That if it is found that any company has gone into liquidation or applied for winding up, or the company has been acquired and sold by financial institution or Govt. /Semi Govt. bodies, its membership will be ceased with immediate effect by the decision of the Managing Committee.

26 A. The membership of a member shall also be terminated in the following circumstances:-

27 i. On misbehavior with any other member of the club.

ii. On misbehavior with any employee of the club.

iii. On breach of any of the law and regulations of the club.

26 B. For termination of membership in above circumstances the following procedure shall be followed:-

I. A warning letter shall be issued to the member concerned by the Honorary Secretary by registered post calling his explanation.

II. On repetition of misconduct, explanation shall be called and second and final warning letter shall be issued by the Honorary Secretary by registered post.“Provided that in case of misconduct with any member or employee of the club final wring letter need not to be issued and the Managing Committee shall take further action as per applicable rules and regulation.

III. On further repetition, the matter shall be put before the Managing Committee for consideration.

IV. If the decision is taken by a majority of ¾ of the total member of the Managing Committee for termination the membership of the member shall be terminated and the honorary Secretary shall intimate the member concerned about the decision of the Managing Committee.

V. The person whose membership is terminated in above mentioned circumstances shall no be entitled to visit club as a guest.

VI. The honorary Secretary be authorized to suspend a member who commits misconduct / misbehavior as defined in clause 28 for a period of seven days and be extended to another seven days. On repetition of misconduct/misbehavior, the Managing Committee is authorised to terminate the membership of such member by 2/3 majority of Managing Committee member present in the meeting. Any member who got suspension shall have no right to contest the election for any position of the club’s lection during suspension period.

27. A member who has resigned from membership of the club or a member, whose membership has been terminated, will forfeit all his rights to use the facilities of the club.

Payments of fees & club dues

28. The member shall make payment of admission fee along with application for membership.

29. The payment of monthly subscription as well as other charges shall be made as soon as member receives the bill from club office. The bills shall be raised monthly or as decided by Managing Committee from time to time.

30. The member shall be entitled to receive credit of maximum Rs. 10,000/- or an amount equivalent to two months dues whichever is higher. If he fails to make payments of bills in time, the further credit shall not be allowed to him.

Managing Committee

31. The affairs of club shall be managed by a duly elected Managing Committee consisting of the following members:

a. President

b. Vice- President

c. Honorary Secretary

d. Joint Secretary cum Treasurer

e. Executive Members – 8

In addition to the above 12 elected members and the immediate outgoing Honorary Secretary shall be the member of the Managing Committee.

31A. Minimum standing for candidates for contesting election to the Managing Committee of the club shall be as below:

a. President 10 Years membership

b. Vice- President 7 Years membership

c. Honorary Secretary 5 Years membership

d. Other Posts 3 Years membership

e. Members of the Managing Committee 2 Years membership

The length of membership is to be reckoned from the date of meeting of the Managing Committee in which membership of a person was approved to the date of general body meeting schedule for election.

32. All questions at the meeting of Managing Committee shall be decided by majority of the member present in the meeting. In the event of equality of votes, the president shall have a second or casting vote.

33. The Managing Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary but at least once in two months.

34. A notice of minimum 2 days in writing shall be given to each member of the Managing Committee for the meeting of committee.

35. The quorum for meeting of Managing Committee shall be 7 members personally present in the meeting.

36. The casual vacancy caused by resignation or death of any of the members of the Managing Committee, shall be filled in by the committee by co-option amongst members of the club. The Managing Committee shall act notwithstanding any vacancy in the committee.

37. The term of Managing Committee shall be form one AGM to conclusion of next General Meeting.

Powers and duties of managing committee

38. The Managing Committee shall be the governing body of the club and in addition to the powers and authorities by statute or by these rules expressly conferred on them, may exercise all such powers and do all such acts, and things as shall by statue or by these rules be directed or authorised to be done by club and which are not by these rules or by statue expressly directed to be done by the club in general meeting, but subject to nevertheless such acts and things as are not regulated by statue or by these rules, to determined upon or given at any annual or extra ordinary general meeting of the club, provided that not such regulation or direction will in validate any prior act of the committee which would have been valid if the regulation or direction had not been made or given.

39. The Managing Committee shall have power to form various Sub-committees as may be deemed necessary, for smooth running of the club. The conveners and members of all such sub-committees shall be nominated by Managing Committee. A member of Managing Committee shall be nominated as Ex-officio member of sub-committees.

39 (a). A The Secretary of the club will ensure that all the decision of Managing Committee are in consonance with various provisions of the club by laws. Any decision of the committee not in compliance with existing bye laws and decision of the General Body of the club should not be complied with. All circular/ publication of the club shall be issued by the Honorary Secretary or in consultation with him.

If any official information of the club is required by the any club member requisition for the same should be given in writing to the honorary secretary.

40. The Managing Committee shall have power to make such bye laws as they shall form time to time deem necessary for the smooth running of the club.

41. The Managing Committee shall have power to purchase, take on lease or in exchange or hire of otherwise acquire for the purpose of the club. furniture, club & house hold effects, wine, stores, provisions, utensils, books, news papers, magazines, and periodicals, fittings, apparatus, application , convenience , sporting paraphernalia and accommodation and so far as the law may form time to time allow. Provided that the expenditure on any individual item of capital nature shall not exceeds Rs. 50,000(Rupees Fifty Thousand Only). Provided further that the Managing Committee shall not have the power of mortgaging the building of the club or disposing of the same without the approval of the general body of the club.

42.A That with a view for safeguarding the interest of existing club building and ensuring that the development, alteration and addition therein, is in keeping with the heritage and original architecture of the club building and in planed manner, a permanent committee consisting of the following:

a. Three past presidents in order of their seniority and residing in Jaipur.

b. Three Honorary members in order of seniority.

c. Immediate past president.

d. Present president.

e. Every year one past president and one Honorary member, in order of seniority will retire and in their place next past president and Honorary member, in order of seniority, will be taken. The committee will be empowered to invite or appoint any such members persons who may help them to take decisions in the matter. Managing Committee will not carry out any addition or alteration in the building without the approval of this committee. The funds will also be sanctioned by this committee. The above committee will not however interfere in general repairs and maintenance of the building.

42.B A screening committee of three Honorary members of the club shall be formed by the Managing Committee in their first meeting of every tenure immediate after AGM. That all matters of violation shall be referred to that committee by any member or in case of difference of opinion among Managing Committee members by Honorary Secretary. The committee after hearing the managing committee representative shall give its decision and said decision shall be placed before AGM if directed by screening committee and house shall take the appropriate decision.

42. 25% of the admission fee received from life and permanent members at the time of admission to membership of the club shall be invested in a fix deposit account with a scheduled bank. The balance of the admission fee received shall be utilised in creating additional facilities in the club which may increase revenue of the club or shall be invested in fixed deposit account with a scheduled bank.

43. The Honorary Secretary and in his absence the Honorary joint Secretary cum-treasurer shall have the superintendent of all the working of the club. He shall be responsible for keeping complete and proper accounts and records.

He shall deposit all the moneys received in the bank, approved by Managing Committee from time to time in the name of the club, the power to draw and endorse cheques on behalf of the club and generally to operate the bank account up to Rs. 10,000/- will be done by the Honorary Secretary and cheque above 10,000/- will be issued with the signatures of Honorary Secretary, or joint Secretary cum treasurer and the president.

44. The Honorary secretary or in his absence the Honorary joint secretary shall not incur any expenditure in nature of capital expenditure exceeding Rs.10,000/- for individual items without the approval of the Managing Committee.

45. The meeting of the Committee shall be President over by President and in his absence by the Vice president.

46. The Honorary secretary shall maintain and preserve the Minutes of all the matters transacted at the meeting of the Managing Committee. The minutes shall be approved at the next meeting of the Managing Committee by the chairmen of that meeting.

General Meeting

47. The club shall in each year hold a AGM in addition to any other meting within six months from the date of close of the financial year of the club.

48. The 20 percent of total members present in person shall be the quorum for a general meeting.

49. A notice of specifying the day, date, time, place, and matters to be transacted at the AGM of the club shall be sent to each member of the club at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.

50. No Special business, other then that specified in the notice by the Managing Committee, shall be transacted in the AGM of the club, No notice of Amendment in constitution/by-laws by a member or Managing Committee will be considered if it is not in accordance and within the time allowed constitution/by-laws.

51. All business other then the following transacted in the AGM shall be called special business:

a. Approval of Accounts.

b. Election of Members of the Managing Committee.

c. Appointment of Auditors.

52. The Managing Committee whenever it thinks fit may convene an extra ordinary general meeting or Managing Committee shall also do so upon a requisition in writing signed by at least 10% of the total members of the club at that time.

53. The Managing Committee shall convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of member of the Club within 45 days, from the date of receipt of requisition from members.

54. On the failure of the Managing Committee to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting within 45 days, the requisitionist shall themselves convene meeting and shall send the notice of meeting to all the members of the club.

55. The President and in his absence the Vice-President and in the absence of both any of the member of the Managing Committee shall preside over all the general meeting of members of the club.

56. If within half an hour from the time to time fixed for the AGM, the quorum is not presented the meeting shall stand adjourned for the same day, time and place in the next week. However the members personally present in the adjourned meeting shall form the quorum.

57. In the case of Extra ordinary general meeting if the quorum is not present within half an hour from the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall stand cancelled.

58. The following procedure shall be followed for the election of members of the Managing Committee:

a. Nomination papers duly signed by the candidate and proposed and seconded by two permanent members of the club, who are eligible to vote, shall be filed and furnished at least 10 days before election.

b. The nomination papers so filed shall be scrutinised by the “Election Officer” regarding a acceptance and rejection of nomination papers shall be final and binding on the candidate.

c. The names of the candidate whose forms are found in order shall be put on the notice board of the club 7 days before the date of election.

d. The last date of withdrawal will be 4 days before the date of election.

e. The list of eligible voters will be available in the office.

f. The voting shall be by “secrete ballots” and the decision of the election officer shall be final and binding to all.

g. The process of voting, counting and declaration of result shall be completed on the day of election.

h. No member of the club shall be eligible to hold similar post for a continues period of more then 2 terms. However the similar post may be held after cooling period of one year.

No member shall be allowed to contest election of the Managing Committee on more then one post at a time, if it is found that the nomination papers for more then one post, nomination paper for all the posts filled by the members shall be deemed as rejected.

59. A resolution put to any General meeting (save as otherwise provided in these rules) be decided by a show of hands. In the case of equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.

60. A minutes of all the matters transacted at any general meeting including the annual general meeting shall be maintained and preserved which shall be signed by Chairman of the meeting within 30days from the date of meeting.

Accounts and Audit

61. The Honorary secretary shall keep at the office of the club proper Books of Accounts in respect to:

a. All such sums of the moneys received and expended by the club and the matters in respect of which the receipts and expenditure take place.

b. All sale and purchases of goods and rendering of services.

c. The assets and liabilities of the club.

62. The club shall preserve in good condition the books of accounts relating to period of not less then 8 years preceding the current year together with the vouchers relevant to any entry in such books of accounts.

63. The books of accounts shall give a true an fair view of the state of affairs of the club and explain the transactions. The books of accounts and other books and paper shall be open to inspection by any of the member of the Managing Committee during the club offers hours.

64. The Managing Committee shall form time to time determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places and under what condition or regulations the accounts and books of the club or any of them shall be open to the inspection to members and no member, other then members of committee shall have any right of inspecting any accounts or books or documents except as conferred by laws or authorised by the committee.

65. The Managing Committee shall cause to be prepared and to be laid before the members in the AGM such balance sheet, income & expenditure account and reports within 6 months from date of the close of the financial year.

66. A copy of such Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure account and Reports of Committee and Auditors shall at least twenty one days before the date of AGM at which the same are to be laid before the members, be sent to each member of the club.

67. The accounts of the club shall be made by the person appointed as auditors in the AGM before the same are sent to members.

68. The accounts of the club shall be closed on 31st day of March every year.

Affiliation to Other Clubs

69. The Managing Committee of the club shall take steps to get this club affiliated with other clubs running in Jaipur or elsewhere on reciprocating basis for the benefit of members of the club. The Managing Committee shall maintain a list of such clubs where arrangements on reciprocating basis have been made. All the members of club, except the temporary members, shall have privilege to use such other clubs. The member of such other reciprocating clubs shall also have privilege to make use of this club on payment of such fees and charges as may be fixed from time to time by the Managing Committee.


70. The member of club shall have privilege to bring persons as guest on payment or such fees and charges as may be decided from time to time by Managing Committee.

71. No gust fee shall be charged for wives or dependents of the members. However the dependents of a member shall not be allowed to remain in the club premises after 8 p.m. except on the day which have been declared by the Honorary Secretary as guest free day.

72. No person whose application for membership has been rejected by the Managing Committee shall be brought as guest for a period of one year from the date of rejection of application.

73. No person who has previously been a member of the club and against whom there is any outstanding shall be brought as guest.

74. The cost of breakage’s or losses incurred by the guest will be recovered from the member concerned. The member shall be responsible for all the expenses incurred by his guests.

75. It shall be the duty of member bringing guest, to enter the name and other particular, as may be required by the Managing Committee, in the register provided for the purpose.

76. Member who breaks any of the rule mentioned above will make themselves liable to their attention being drawn to the breach of these rules by the Honorary Secretary. such default on a number of occasions will mean a disqualification and infringement of rules of the club for these purpose of rule of the purpose of rule 27 and action against the defaulting members may be taken as provided in rule 29.

Parties at The Club

77. All members of the club except the temporary members may entertain their guests at small parties after having first obtained permission from the Honorary Secretary provided such parties do not interfere with the normal running of the club and all charges & other fees as may be decided by Managing Committee from time to time incurred by the club for the arrangements made for the party are paid by the members concerned.

78. If any outsider wants to use the club premises for giving parties or for any other function, he will obtain prior approval of the Honorary Secretary. the charges for arranging such parties and function shall be such sum as may be decided by Managing Committee from time to time.


79. The complaints and suggestion will ordinarily be made in book which will be kept for the purpose and which may be obtained by any member from the attendant incharge.

80. No member shall take away any books, magazine, periodicals or news paper except as provided by general instructions issued by the Honorary Secretary from time to time. Any member infringing this rule or mutilating any of these books etc. will be charged the full amount of the book magazine, periodicals or news paper as the case may be.

81. No article of the club furniture or equipment shall be taken away by any member without the prior permission of Honorary Secretary.

82. The premises of the club shall ordinarily be closed at 12.30 a.m. except on Saturdays and special nights for which announcement has been made by the Honorary Secretary. in the case of members who have been begun a game which is unfinished at 12.30 a.m. the rule shall not be enforced until 01.00 a.m., on special nights the rooms will be closed not later than 02.30 a.m.

83. The member shall not misbehave with any of the club servants or use violence to any servant whatsoever. In the event of a member having any occasion to find fault with any servant of the club, a report of the case should be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary, who will either deal with the case or refer it to the managing committee, as may be deem necessary.

84. The club servants will not be sent on personal business or otherwise withdrawn from the general service of the club without the permission of the Honorary Secretary. On Saturday and functions the services of the club servants for personal business will not be ordinarily available.

85. All notice intended for the notice board of the club shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary who will authorise it’s placing on the club notice board. A notice will not ordinarily be left on the notice board for more than 15 days.

86. Full value will be charged for all breakage’s of club property by members, their guests or their servants.


No Members shall be entitled to bring or prosecute any suit or complaint or proceedings in any Court of Law against the Club, the Executive Committee or any other Committee/Sub-Committee of the club and its office bearers and members and employees of the acting under their authority for any act done or omission made in the discharge of their duty or function under these rules or in matters pertaining to the affairs of the club. All Claims, complaints, differences, grievances and disputes between the members(s) and the club between the members inter-se arising out of decision of the club or the Executive Committee or the President or the Honorary Secretary or any other Office bearer or other employees of the club acting under their authority and all disputes pertaining to the affairs of the club including elections shall be refereed for decision to an Arbitrator(s) out of the penal of arbitrators prepared by the Executive Committee. The Arbitrators to be included in the penal shall be persons of high repute in legal profession, who are not members of the club and have given their consent to act such arbitrators. For every dispute arbitrator(s) shall be nominated by Executive Committee from the penal with the consent of arbitrator member(s) concerned in dispute. If no consent to the name of the arbitrator is given by a member with in 7(seven) days of the service of notice by the club, it shall be open to the President of the club to nominate sole arbitrator from the penal. The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties to the dispute and shall not be questioned in any manner. The provision of the Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 as mended from time to time in so far as applicable shall apply to time in so far as applicable shall apply to the proceedings before the Arbitrator.


Children below the age of 18 will not be permitted to enter the Club House except as follows -

a) On Thursday evenings children (not below 8 years of age) are permitted to the Club for Dinner, but their presence is restricted to the Central Hall, Vintage Coffee Shop (Mezzanine floor) and the Dining Room.

b) On Sundays, children (not below 8 years of age) are permitted both for lunch and dinner, but their presence is restricted to Vintage Coffee Shop (Mezzanine floor), Lawns, Central Hall (only in the evenings) and the Dining Room.

c) On all other days excepting Fridays , children (not below 8 years of age) are allowed in the Central Hall, Vintage Coffee Shop (Mezzanine floor), Lawns and the Dining Room (only for lunch) up to 6-30 pm.

d) The Swimming Pool, in accordance with the rules and byelaws of the Swimming Pool.

e) On the occasion of the children’s party, as may be notified, the committee may, however, on any particular occasion relax the rules in the manner as may be notified.


The sons and unmarried daughters of the Members above the age of 18 years, may make use of the club premises only when accompanied by either of their parents, except as provided in the Library, Swimming Pool and Tennis Byelaws. The rules applicable to member’s guests will apply to sons and daughters of members above the age of 21 years.


The spouse of a member (unless the member notifies the Club to the contrary) shall enjoy the following privileges, subject to such restrictions as the committee may impose from time to time -

a) He may make use of such portions of the Club premises as are made open to the member by the Committee whether or not he is accompanied by the spouse.

b) He may sign on behalf of the spouse, who is a member for supplies made to him, giving the spouse’s membership number and name.

c) He may bring guests to the club with him when unaccompanied by the member subject, however, to the observance of the normal guest rules.



Members shall forthwith intimate to the club, in writing, any change in the mailing address and contact telephone numbers. The Billing Department, upon receipt of such intimation confirm, in writing, the change of address etc. within a period of 15 working days. The member must inform the Financial Controller in case of non-receipt of such confirmation. The member will be obliged to furnish proof of address while requesting for change of address.


Members shall forthwith intimate to the club, in writing, any change in the mailing address and contact telephone numbers. The Billing Department, upon receipt of such intimation confirm, in writing, the change of address etc. within a period of 15 working days. The member must inform the Financial Controller in case of non-receipt of such confirmation. The member will be obliged to furnish proof of address while requesting for change of address.


Members shall forthwith intimate to the club, in writing, any change in the mailing address and contact telephone numbers. The Billing Department, upon receipt of such intimation confirm, in writing, the change of address etc. within a period of 15 working days. The member must inform the Financial Controller in case of non-receipt of such confirmation. The member will be obliged to furnish proof of address while requesting for change of address.


a) Drinks and other edibles are not allowed from outside for consumption inside the club except in the Sports Complex when specially permitted in writing by the committee.

b) Betting or wagering is prohibited in the club premises.

c) The club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to valuables, cash or any belongings of a member and/or his guests, sons, daughters etc. Club employees are not permitted to take custody of any valuables such as jewellery, cell phones etc.

d) No Member or his guest shall give any money, present or gratuity to any member of the staff of the Club.

e) Every Member shall conduct himself in a manner befitting the status and dignity of the Club.

f) The club will not accept reservations of tables in any restaurants of the club for more than 8 (eight) guests.

g) Table reservations in restaurants can be done on first come first serve basis depending on availability of tables. Reserved tables will be released to other members on demand if the member who reserved the table does not show up after the lapse of 15 minutes after the appointed time.

h) Bills for services provided at the restaurants will be raised only in the name of the member who had made the reservation. Bills for services rendered at different tables reserved by more than one member shall not be clubbed, even if agreed to, by a member.


(a) Members are required to observe the club’s dress regulations at all times. They are also required to ensure that their spouses, guests, sons/daughters abide by all these regulations too. Members, their spouses, guests, sons and daughters must be dressed in a manner considered appropriate for the club. The committee will announce winter dress regulations for the Royal Lounge Bar, Men’s Bar, at the appropriate time of the year.

(b) For male members/guests/children, the following are not permitted in the precincts of the Club:

I. Kurta with Pajama of any kind

II. Kurta with Trousers of any kind

III. Shirts with Dhoti

IV. T-Shirts without collar except for tennis

V. Shorts except for tennis and in Men’s Dressing Room

VI. Jeans/sneakers/sports shoes in the evening

VII. Open chappals except with Dhoti

VIII. Shirts without being buttoned up


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Buffalo -- Heading into the Winter season Meetings, the Mets knew they could have to wait for Jon Lester to signal before the market for Dillon Gee took shape. That sizable domino dropped late Tuesday night, but if the Mets were expecting a quick resolution to follow, they did not quite acquire it.

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Instead the team spent Thursday poking around potential offers without actually making 1. It is still likely that they'll buy and sell Gee or one of their some other starting pitchers soon, perhaps even prior to going the Winter Meetings on Thurs ., but the right offer provides yet to surface.

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'We've been acquiring conversations that I think have already been independent of Lester,' general manager Sand Alderson said. 'I don't really think Lester offers impacted any of our chats.'

Still, teams that lost from Lester now must focus the energies elsewhere. The Mets make it known that Wow is available and have had at the very least preliminary discussions with close to a half-dozen clubs.

'We've had on-going conversations with clubs [since] little one Lester signed, so I think there is a little more activity and things are all a little looser than they have already been,' Alderson said. 'But I think that's probably a function of the diary and not Lester. We're getting into the past couple of days of the Winter Conferences, and things typically acquire a little bit at that time.'

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It would benefit the Mets to move relatively quickly, if only because their trade tells you could affect dealings in other locations. One official floated the thought of trading Gee in a package for Rockies reliever Rex Brothers, for instance, which would satisfy the club's wish for a second lefty to complement Josh Edgin. That offer did not appear to have much element as of Wednesday evening, but when something similar surfaces in the future, there is no point in the Mets using a free-agent lefty.

The same logic retains for a right-handed bench bat or possibly a shortstop, even if it is unlikely which the Mets will receive one of those in a cope for Gee. Until Alderson bargains away an excess starting glass pitcher, it will be difficult for him to handle other areas with full clarity.

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'When [things] pile up and you have more than one to handle, there are always going to be issues,In . Alderson said. 'It's nice to get 1 or 2 scratched off the list.

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'I believe we're comfortable that i will be doing something. It could happen today. It could happen down the road. It could be a little later. We all still assess the market along with what we think is the value of the players, and try to act appropriately. Sometimes that happens quickly. It sometimes doesn't.'

That's not to say the Mets are totally hamstrung until they make a deal relating to a starting pitcher. They could still check in with organizations and agents regarding their shortstop want; to that end, Alderson said, his staff is deciding whether to bid for Korean infielder Jung-Ho Kang. And they can still accomplish plenty of legwork on killers and bench bats.

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But it is clear that trading a new starter is their priority over these Winter Meetings, and the timepiece continues to tick.

'We certainly would choose to do something while we're here, and cross one thing away our list,' Alderson claimed. 'We're hopeful that will happen. But it is hard to predict.'

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